Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shopping for a Classic Car?

Take a look at this site that I came across:

Cool site if you are a fan of old cars!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is It Too Hot To Shop?

Here in the DC/VA/MD area, at 8:00 p.m. the heat index outside was 111.  Now that is hot for this time of the day.  We are expecting the same, in fact, worse through Saturday.  So, if you decide to venture out to do some shopping, first off, dress so you stay as cool as possible, and secondly, keep plenty of water with you.  Then, definitely stop by our shop.  I am unable to be there as I am home recovering from a virus but no worries, the shop is open!

I received a call from the shop today and there is currently a high demand for mirrors.  There must be a lot of remodeling going on!  Wrought iron furniture continues to maintain a high demand. Side chairs are also in demand.  One of the interesting pieces that recently sold was a very nice Drexel leather top card table with four chairs. So, for all you Texas Hold Em players, you missed a nice piece!

What are you shopping around for?  For free to send me an e-mail and I will keep an eye out. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Home from Vacation

I just returned home from a fantastic vacation in Scotland and England. I went with Michelle and we had a blast! The weather, food, culture, etc. was fantastic. Being 50% Scottish, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to visit Scotland again. Too many years went by between my visits. We walked all day taking in all the beautiful sites. Of course, when the feet got tired, we popped into a pub for a pint. If you have not had a chance to visit the UK, I highly recommend it. We are already planning our next trip back to Scotland!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Early Spring Cleaning!

So we're in the process of cleaning out the shop, putting items that have been sitting for a while on sale, and buying away to get fresh new merchandise! It's an exciting time as we have a lot of great pieces currently available and a lot more on the way! At the same time, we continue moving forward with our new concept that I been have talking about frequently.

As always, I invite you to stop by our shop to take a look around! Also, feel free to e-mail me with any items in particular you are shopping around for. When I find it, I will e-mail pictures and arrange for delivery, it's that easy! So, let me know!

If you need a pair of wing back chairs, take a look this Pennsylvania House Chair. I have two that are identical and in beautiful condition!

Monday, January 31, 2011

WAY too long!

I know, I know...I said that I would do a better job at blogging more often and it has been a month since my last blog. Not good! OK, here I go. The past month has really been great in many personal and business ways as well. So much great news was offered over the past month and of course who can't forget about the weather! The snow has been a lot of fun, although I can do away with having to drive in it like I did last week. I hope everyone made it home safely.

I am still aggressively working on my new concept and participated in a conference call with some great new friends in New York who want to team up with JP's concept. So, a trip is scheduled again for the end of February to meet with our new friends, take a tour, learn more about their company and talk about our next steps. As you can imagine, there is a lot of excitement with JP's right now and I can't wait until you join the excitement! I can't reveal the concept just yet as there is still a lot of work to do but I really do hope you like and visit frequently.

So, enjoy each day. Laugh and enjoy every moment. Life is good!