Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, Monday!

Well, waking up on a Monday in New York sure is cool! This is no typical Monday for us. After all we are in NY! We've had such a nice time and accomplished a lot as well. I can't thank Mishi enough for getting us around the city. She is awesome!

The NY subway system has been great. It's so convenient. We also did a tremendous amount of walking as well. There is so much to see in NY that we did not realize how much walking we actually did until we got home. It's a good workout : )

By the way, the food in NY has been delicious! So many great little restaurants.
It's a little chilly today but it feels great! I am looking out the window at Vesuvio and can't wait to get a cup of coffee. We leave today at 2:30 but will be back in January. Mishi will be back in a couple of weeks to spend Christmas with her Mom and sister.

I know you are probably wondering when will I reveal our concept. The mission of this trip was to do research to get different ideas and make sure that our concept will work. Like I said in my previous post, yes it will. I don't want to spoil the surprise just yet since we have a lot of work to do before we can reveal it. As soon as everything comes together, we will definitely announce our project! OK, I need that cup of I go!

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